syukur alhamdulillah. i'm getting better. dah discharge since last saturday. lega dapat dok kat rumah after 5days kena warded. nak jumpa aidan pon takbley :-(
i was admitted due to viral fever, liver infection & first,the doctors kat ER tu ingat dengue coz my blood platlet asyik turun.semua symptom dengue ada.alhamdulillah, after buat blood test confirm bukan dengue.
so, after kena warded for 5 days, aidan now dah stop bf :-( he's cool.but mama dia ni yang tak cool coz sedih sangat.the milk is still there tapi tak bley nak bagi kat aidan.i makan ubat and dr tak encourage i bf aidan buat masa ni. i dah buat keputusan nak stop terus la bf. lagi pon i target to bf aidan sampai dia 1 tahun. so okayla. boleh i diet. huhu
i ingat senangla nak stop bf the process to dry up the milk is soooooo sakit.sumpah sakit.the only way taknak bagi sakit is to express it. tapi if nak bagi susu tu kering i kena biarkan. tak bley express.i dah mintak ubat ngan my dr tapi dia advice suruh try naturally dulu. urgh.
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