Thursday, December 19, 2013


Yey!! definitely big achievement to us. Airees baru masuk 16mo and i berjaya wean off kan dia from her BFF :p 
tak sengaja pun sebenarnya. satu malam tu airees tertidur without her puting terus i decide nak sorok all her puting tu and stop kan je. today dah 2 weeks airees without her puting. heeeee
senang la wean awal. if nak tunggu 2-3yo i pulak pening. nk kena taruk kicap la kunyit la. nescafe la. dah jadi satu masalah besar pulak :p
hehehhe sowee mommies takde special tips la. i just sorok ja puting airees tu. terus dia lupa. mungkin la dia tercari-cari tapi tak reti nak mintak. to bad kekekkek :p

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

the terrible twos terrifying threes

Whoever called it the 'terrible twos' obviously didn't have a 3 YO! PERIOD!

Aidan was great through the 2 YO stage, but he has recently started the so called 'terrifying threes' phase. GAH *tarik rambut*

camne laaaaah nak deal with this phase?? huwaaaaa paling stress if pegi rumah my MIL. Ya Allah...rasa macam nak jadi HULK okay. GRRrrrr. my MIL plak not helping at. She'll say "Aidan, NO, Aidan, NO, Aidan, NO' and Aidan pulak bila orang cakap NO lagi laaa dia nak tunjuk terror. memang drama. Arghhhhhhhh STRESS!

If pegi rumah my mum tak pulak dia buat perangai. prolly kat rumah my mum ada banyak gila toys so dia takda masa nak buat perangai, whereby kat rumah my MIL toys memang disorok sebab taknak rumah bersepah. mula la lari sana lari sini, ketuk sana ketuk sini, lompat sana, lompat sini. so HMMMMM terpaksa la deal with his tantrum tu kan? what to do?

Kat our house pulak, jarang la dia buat perangai. tapi bila dia boring tu start la bully airees. kesian betul tengok mek airees tu. dah la kecik, kena bully pulak tu T_T

Oh lupa. lagi satu aidan ni sangat sangat sangat susah nak makan. I IS STRESS hokay! kat school teacher dia kata mana nasik 3kali tambah. kat rumah pandang nasik pun tak nak. minum susu je berbotol-botol T_T



Tuesday, November 19, 2013


takda la surprise mana pun kan? most of my friends da tahu pun. especially kawan-kawan kat twitter. banyak betul i meroyan kat sana bahahaha. ampun ya kawan-kawan :p  
Nway, i dah nak masuk 21 weeks da pun. another +/- 19 weeks to go ;) oklah got to go now. will update MORE soon :D 


Wednesday, October 30, 2013

i'm going to get FAT!

jyeah always expect the unexpected and be prepared :p

i've let the cat out of the bag on twitter bahahah will reveal it soon here. stay tuned ;)

Monday, September 9, 2013

aidan's birthday cake

good morning. how's your weekend everybody?raya dah it's time to slimkan badan balik. muahahahha :p
previous post i lupa nak mention kat mana i tempah aidan's cake kan? normally i tempah cakes kat . she's good but this time i tempah kat tempat lain. heeeee
my friend, Sari yang introduce. i love his red velvet & butterscotch cakes. sumpah sedap tak tipu. macarons punnnnnnn sedap sangat. hari tu i've ordered cake: butterscotch, rv & choc.
rainbows macarons: salted caramel. aaaah sedap sangat. heeee puas hati. 

if you nak order his cakes or macarons you boleh follow his instagram @wahdi_farhad or like his fb page: Le Chouette Macaron. these are some of his cakes & macarons. cantik gila k. sesuai for hantaran oso

This is Barr's bday cake ordered by Sari. I suka peanut butter macarons & of cos the cake! 

photo credit: wahdi's IG
photo credit: wahdi's IG
Last but not least, wahdi's famous hello kitty macarons!!!
hehe...oklah got to go. mek airees dah nak bangun jap lagi. tata...InsyaAllah I'll try to update more often :) resipi pun dah banyak hahahahhaa. will upload it here nanti ;-)

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

aidan turns 3!!!

oh boy!!

my little boy is not so little anymore T_______T

aidan turns three last week and we just celebrated his birthday at SWP yesterday. tapi malu-malu kucing la plak si aidan ni nak blow candle depan all his friends and teacher. last-last kawan dia yang blow bahahahah padan muka!

happy third birthday abang aidan!!! me loves you a lot! muahhhhhhh

here's a video i've made. cewaaah sejak jadi 'stay-at-home-mama' da pandai da buat videoclip plak :p anyway enjoy the video aidan. i know you're so excited yesterday!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

airees turns 1

oh em gee! i feel so baddddddd.

time aidan 1 yo punyala celebrate besar-besaran. time airees ni update blog pun tak sempat T______T

we just came back from london last saturday and both aidan & airees still jetlag. birthday girl pulak cherry berry cos baru tukar formula milk. huwaaaaaa macam zombie dah rasa.

anyway, happy 1yo my sweet lil princess, AIREES IRISA

today you're a healthy 6.8kg petite lil walker (i guess its from ur papa's genes).

you're very active, social, independent and loving. hahaha thank god you're not having that silly stranger anxiety anymo. i love you so muchhhhhhhhh baby girl!  i'm so happy to see you grown up beautifully each day and I really really hope one day i'm gonna be your bestie ;)

thank you Allah for blessing our life with this beautiful baby girl 

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

the scientist

Yeayea, I'm a Gleek. I never missed any episodes since season 1. huhuhu tapi takdela hardcore sangat sampai nak kena beli lagu kat itunes :p

anyway here's one of my fav glee cover *criessss*

Glee will never be the same without you Finn. RIP Cory Monteith & Stay Strong Lea

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Thank you Dr Halina

Thank you Dr Halina & Dr Zahilah for sharing the knowledge with us. Well written & I feel so much confident now to vaccinate my babies. I've had my doubts and worries cos some people are so vocal in expressing their disapproval of vaccination and it makes me feel bad and worried about my babies. InsyaAllah I've made the right decision for my kids and Alhamdulillah we never failed to get them vaccinated and never missed the recommended vaccination schedule.


Anyway, here's the article.

Prevention is always better than cure dear anti-vaccine mommies. If you choose not to vaccinate your baby, understand the risks and responsibilities.Thanks again Doc ;)

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

sensitive issues

EVERYONE knows kebaikan susu ibu. so tak payah laaaaaaaaaaaa nak tweet almost everyday bagitahu satu dunia susu ibu this la susu ibu that la. sakit hati tahu tak?


some parents are sooooo ......................... (tak tahulah nak cakap apa dah! isi je la tempat kosong tu dengan perkataan-perkataan yang super patut!)

heeeee look at my kids!! cepatnyaaaa they grow up!!!! arghhhhhhhhhhhh sedihnya! 

sedihnyaaaa few more month da takleh da carry airees mcm ni. T_T ahhhh besnya ada baby

Thursday, May 30, 2013

buttermilk chicken & buttermilk prawn

I've cooked buttermilk chicken few month back tapi i'm sooo frustated with the result T_T
Tak sedap macam kat gold chili. dahla cepat muak. If pegi gold chili I selalu mintak buttermilk chicken with extra gravy cos nak hirup the sauce. tp my version hampehhhh huhuhu. rupa-rupanya i salah resipi :p  
my first buttermilk chicken :(
Well, second time I try buat buttermilk I guna resipi my dearest friend, Sari. hehehhe thank you babe :x: andddddddddddd surprise..surprise.. lebih kurang ja rasa cam kat gold chili. hehhehehe YAY! tapi this time i guna prawns.

my buttermilk prawn
I've uploaded the recipe kat my instagram since few of my friends requested. To those yang tak follow tu, its okay. I will upload it and share it here k ;) Do give it a try!! Sedap tak tipu!! heheh

Here's the recipe :)

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

when cupid strikes

Today is our 15 years dating / courting anniversary.

OH EM GEEEE dah 15 YEARS!!!??!! hehehe happy anniversary hubby. i love you always.

semoga our love berkekalan hingga ke Jannah. Aminnnn

Sempena our dating anniversary ni, i nak upload my wedding montage Part 1 (Part 2 later.....) My hubby tak bagi upload tapi I nak upload jugak cos I bagitau dia I nak upload jugak cos i takut cd rosak or obsolete lagi 20 tahun.

I nak Aidan, Airees & anak-anak i yang lain or cucu-cicit i nanti tengok. I tahu diorang COMFIRM akan tengok. heehehehe sebabnyaaaaa I suka tengok gambar2 lama mama & abah masa diorang muda-mudi. and also gambar my mamatuk & my late babatuk masa diorang dating-dating. zaman dulu takda youtube. rugi kan??

So yea. Happy anniversary again hubby. Love you always. To Aidan & Airees & cucu cicit sekalian. This is me & ur papa/grandpa masa muda mudi. BAHAHAHAHA :p

Monday, April 8, 2013

Hospital Bag Checklist

This post is for you Farha :-)
and of cos for me too. Huwaaa i've lost my list so i've decided to blog about it.

Taktau la sama ke tak with orang lain cos for airees i pack my bags ikut my previous experience. Masa aidan dulu i ikot the list from the internet. banyak unnecessary stuff & benda penting takda. hmmm

So here's my hospital bag checklist

Going to Hospital (For Mommy)

1. Front Button Shirt / Nursing friendly top
2. Long Skirt (I tak pakai kain batik)
3. Maxi Dresses
4. 2-3 pair Socks
5. Disposable Panties
6. Sanitary Pad (I used the one with cooling gel for the first few days after bersalin cos it's damn pain down there huhuhu)
9. Contact Lens & Specs
10. Slippers
11. Handphone & Charger & Camera
12. Ipad (I pasang Quran 24/7 for 45days)
13. Toiletries
14. Minyak Herbanika or any minyak urut will do
15. Easy to wear bengkung (I rimas tengok perut gelebeh so I sanggup ikat bengkung sendiri hehehe)
16. Donut Pillow ('s damn pain down there)
17. Hijab (hahaha masa aidan dulu i lupa k bawak tudung)
18.**Your IC
20. Cream Crackers (I cepat lapar malu nak mintak nurse)
21. 3 in 1 Horlicks. Hospital normally provides Milo.Horlicks akan bnyakkan susu ;)
22. LOTION MUSTAJAB EXTRA HOT!!! (for me penting cos i nak kurus cepat bahahah)
23. Baju, Seluar, Boxers & Toilettries for daddy

(For Baby)

1. 2-3 Romper (Front Button - your baby is fragile, u takkan berani nak pakaikan baju slip on lagi)
2. Mittens & Booties
3. Receiving Blankie
4. Hat
5. Diapers
6. Minyak Yuyi & Minyak Telon

Okay. Done. Legaaa takda hutang dah. heeee

Oh ya one more thing. I bought this SET PENGURUSAN URI for my hubby. bagi present. heeeee cos dia yang kena cuci & tanam uri. I beli online ja. Rasanya less than RM40 :-)

All the best Farha :) Semoga selamat semuanya. Can't wait to see your lil mini soooon XOXO

Thursday, April 4, 2013

BLOSSOMS by Needle & Stitches

BLOSSOMS are our latest babies & one of bestsellers so far.

Our first batch are sold out within few hours after we've released via our Instagram.

We have produced 9 colours and there will be 5 additional new colours on our 3rd Batch.

Blossoms in Black
Blossoms in Grey

Blossoms in Navy

Blossoms in Electric Blue

Blossoms in Purple

Blossoms in Cream

Blossoms in Dusty Pink

Blossoms in Baby Yellow

Blossoms in Mint

We do offer worldwide shipping and payment can be made via Paypal.

We also accept Visa, Mastercard & AMEX. 

To purchase, check us out on our website 

Instagram: needlenstitches

Facebook: Needle & Stitches

yours truly in electric blue BLOSSOMS :)


huwaaa lama gila tak update blog. 

both kids are down with HFMD. both cranky & clingy at the same time :( 
eeeeee seriously i think HFMD ni lagi teruk than roseala infantum tuh! patutlah aidan's playschool strict sangat. i kena tunggu semua blisters clear. pastu mintak clearance letter from Dr then baru boleh hantar aidan pegi school balik. 

ni dah nak masuk 2 weeks, but blister masih ada kat kaki and tangan. fuhhh. stress i. 

nantilah i'll update more about that. aidan mengamok. BYE   

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

sleep baby sleep

i started sleep training airees when she was 4mo. it ain't easy. trust me ;p 
but now lights on ke lights off ke aidan ada ke bunyi ipad ke semua boleh. hehehe
BTW, i've tried the 'cry-it-out' method. kesian lah. i felt sooooo bad cos airees nangis sampai termuntah.i jugak yang susah kena salin her baju, cadar, blanket etc. huhuh

anyways these are how i've done:
•i trained airees during her evening nap first.lepas da berjaya baru train for her bedtime
•first, u have to ensure that she's full before nap/bedtime
•include all the things that she has learned to associate with going to sleep in her bedtime ritual- lullaby music toy/youtube's lullaby & her paci
•position yourself so that you can gently pat her
•when she begins to cry, try not to pick her up (this will be extremely hard to do, but if you pick her up, she will learn to cry next time until you do again!)
•continue to pat her, sing to her, tell her you love her, hug her & comfort her until she falls asleep(sometimes i yang tertido dulu hahahha)

the first night it may take an hour-and-a-half or even more for her to go to sleep. the following night she may go to sleep all by herself or you may need go to through the same painful process again.
you will probably gonna face about six crying episodes before your child learns how to go to sleep on her own :)
consistent routine every night is the key! all the best mommies :-)

Thursday, February 21, 2013

airees at 6 months old

  • 5.56 kg (her paed said she's healthy & nothing to worry, so tak payah nak memandai-mandai nak suruh bagi bubur ayam mcd pulak)
  • knows her name
  • rolls over in both directions
  • play with her hands & feets
  • loves to play the peek-a-boo
  • her first solid food are cerelac nestum & avocado puree (she loves avocade puree more than cerelac)
  • sleeps at 10pm every night & wakes up for milky at 5/6am then tido balik until 8am (hehe good girl)
  • may start to crawl soooooooon! 
  • andddddddddddd to those yang suka sangat tanya 'airees still bf ke'? the answer is 'NO'.airees drinks formula milk since she's 4 months old due to my health reasons masa bf aidan dulu and few other reasons (bagitau awal-awal karang ada pro bf mommies nak sekolahkan i. macamlah if bagi susu formula tu i tak sayang airees) 
OMG next week dah masuk march! oh no! i feel so bad cos sempat update blog sebulan sekali ja sekarang. huwaaaaaaa.

Monday, January 14, 2013

stranger danger

Is it true that stranger anxiety is a common condition in babies? 
It's a new thing for me cos aidan dulu takda plak this kinda anxiety. dengan semua orang okay. macho je aidan.
I started to notice that airees have this since she's about 3 mo. bila orang tegur je mula lah nak crybaby. and airees's strangers list include: her tokma, her aunties, unfamiliar relatives & whoeverlah yang dia tak tengok hari-hari. 
pening kepala i ni haaaa ngan my mum pun dia nak nangis. padahal every week kot jumpa bukannya jumpa sebulan sekali.huhuhu howla airees?jangan jadi anti-social plissssss :'( 
nway i ada terjumpa articles on how to overcome stranger anxiety. so far these are the best advices:
  1. give her time to become familiar with new surroundings. allow them to discover things at her own pace to help to reduce anxiety 

  2. stay within sight at all times. hmm this one tak berapa setuju cos if airees sees me lagila dia nak mama dia kan? 

  3. tell friends and other family members to approach her slowly so that she has time to feel comfortable around them and not forced to meet and greet them. tapi some ppl tu taknak dgr.da explain pun tak paham. maybe selama ni semua baby kat muka bumi ni tak nangis kot dia pegang. bila mek airees da meraung baru nak panic

  4. greet friends & relatives with hugs and kisses so babies can discover who is safe, and learn to feel less anxious and be more comfortable
babycentre said that most babies grow out of stranger anxiety by the time they turn 1. I really hope that this phase passes soon. lenguh tangan mama ni airees, nasib baik baru 5kg :p

hehehe nasib baik dengan papa dia tak nangis. kalu tak pengsaaaaaan mama. btw if once a week i bring her to gymboree okay ke? ke tunggu dah pandai crawl?

baru kena tegur, mata da start berair huhuhu
i'm mama new bff - airees

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

twenty thirteen

my first post in 2013. hehe

happy new year!!

twenty twelve was an awesome year for me. Alhamdulillah

hopefully 2013 will be an awesome year too. InsyaAllah

btw, am turning 30 this year. cepat betul time flies. lepas spm, amik diploma & degree, kerja, kahwin, beranak tuptaptuptap dah 30! omaigod huhu nak kena buat list 'things to do before 40' lah. nak tengok mission possible ke mission impossible :p

anyways i nak share few photos from our 2012/13 5days tokyo trip. tak banyak pun gambar. boleh plak tertinggal camera kali ni. so silly me. so we all terpaksalah snap photos guna aifon ja :'(

hehe thanks to airees & aidan for this. tak payah queue pun :p  
yummy sushi & sashimi

airees kena tinggal ngan tok ma huhu next time la ya airees :)


we went disneyland during the weekend. rugi sangat cos tak banyak ride boleh naik. ramai sgt orang :(
if you all pegi tokyo. pls DO NOT miss pegi disneysea. disneysea tu actually kena pegi 2 hari baru boleh cover semua. rugi tau tak pegi. and better pegi during the weekdays to avoid berjam-jam beratur for each rides. here's some disneysea photos. 

hujan & sangat sejuk. hujan-hujan pun ramai

one of the rides yang tak sempat nak naik :'(

okaylah. gtg now. nak masak ni huhu. 

happy new year you guys!!!!wish you all love, luck & happiness in 2013 ;-)