Wednesday, October 1, 2014

carbonara ala pizza uno recipe

heee hari ni extra rajin pulak nak update blog :p

actually i just wanna share this recipe. i finally got it! tastewise i think 80% laaa lebih kurang ngan pizza uno. sapa penah makan pizza uno ja tahu rasa dia mcm mana. jangan compare pulak ngan restoran kat german ke italy ke k? oooopss

easy peasy kacang pis ja resipi dia. secret ingredient rupanya the CREAM tu ja. it's NESTLE ORIGINAL CREAM! i bot it kat presto citta mall & kat herbs & food pun ada :) u may use other brand tapiiiiiiii i can't guarantee your carbonara tu rasa sama tak ngan my carbonara :p

Anyway, here's the recipe. selamat mencuba...hee


cheeky girl

my cheeky lil mek airees. geram tengok dia ni. dengan mata bulatnya heee

she's daddy lil girl (dahla muka clone papa dia) 

kuat merajuk. 

marah sikit ja dah keluar air mata. 

eee geram!

Saturday, September 13, 2014


Arghhhhh..what happened to this blog????? tah bila nak update birth story Aimar T_____T

Can't believe I'm 31! #hellowrinkles 

This lil fella grow up wayyyy too fast! 6 month & gonna start crawling SOON! #aimarilyasz

Cepat betul masa berlalu. Still couldn't believe it these 3 babies are mine. MINE? Syukur Alhamdulillah.Thank you Allah #blessed

The video was taken just recently. Now Mohamad Aidan Ilhan dah 4yo & Airees Irisa 2yo. Kejap BFF kejap berperang. heee. ohhh BTW hari ni I baru terhegeh-hegeh nak potty train aidan. 4 yo baru nak potty train. berapa kali terbabas huhuuhu. I hope Aidan boleh diaperless by next week. I hope. PRAY HARD!.

My 4yo Aidan. Makan memilih. His current fav carbonara & telur dadar 
My 2 yo Mek Airees. Panjat memanjat memang hebat! #simanjapapa
#notetoself: pleaseeeee update aimar birth story! simpan draft buat pekasam buat apa!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

baby #3

huwaaaaa! so sowee tak sempat nak update lagi. here's a quick one T_____T

now i'm officially a mommy of THREE!!!


hee kali ni sempat bersalin kat hospital (birth story later..)

BTW, Thank you so much datuk aziz! :')

syukur Alhamdulillah

My name is Mohamad Aimar Ilyasz. I was born on 12 March 2014 at 12.45pm, weighing 3.2kg and 52cm in length.

You'll hear more about me from now on, or at least how my Mama is coping havin me around

Till then, bye.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

36 weeks!

heeee hello!

am still preggy. today dah 36 weeks+ da! tick tock tick tock

yesterday last check up with datuk dr abd aziz yahya. bila datuk buat VE (few seconds ja, tak sakit tp biasalaaa takut ja lebih ;p), n he said dengan confidentnya "okay.rabu depan boleh beranak dah". i was like "huh!! whoaaaa! what?!" pastu datuk ckp "ya, saya serius ni. next week 7am, u mai straight kat labour room. i nak pecahkan air ketuban, pastu pukul 10-11am boleh beranak dah" pastu dia gelak-gelak.

ok ok i've 1 more week! untuk makan, makan & makan. hahahaha my craving list semakin lama semakin menjadi jadi. to date, I dah mengidam over 40 jenis makanan! whaaaaaaaaaat? here's the list (ya!setiap kali mengidam i take note :p)

1. Nasi Kandaq
2. Homecooked Kari Sotong (masa musim kari sotong, every week masak kari sotong hahaha)
3. Hot Dog Ramly
4. Haagez Daz Salted Caramel
5. Asam pedas Melaka (di Bandar Melaka ya kawan2, tanak KL punya.mengada much?)
6. Klebang coconut milkshake
7. Nasi Ulam2 Budu
8. Ikan terubok bakar + air asam
9. Shihlin crispy XXL chicken
10. Nasi Lemak Pak Cik Muka Sedih USJ 2
11. Nasi Lemak Tanglin
12. Eclairs Laduree
13. Kuey Teow Aunty Gemok FAM
14. SASHIMI!!!
15. A&W rootbeer
16. Churros
17. Asam Laksa Ah Cheng
18. Strawberries
19. Kuah rojak mak bee
20. Teppanyaki (nak makan kat teppanyaki table, taknak yang order2 tak nampak chef masak)

Gigih cari resipi sebab nak makan cekodok pisang crispy & lembut & comel
21. homemade cekodok pisang
22. air mata kucing petaling street (hehehe, tq mama tapaw sebotol terus)
23. jagung rebus
24. air jagung
25. mama's chicken pie
26. goreng pisang azmi
27. mangoes yang manis2
28. nasi beryani restoran insaf
29. mango juice restoran insaf
30. dimsum
31. mihun goreng
32. nasi goreng kosong tapi pedas
33. mama's trifle
34. nasi kerabu biru
35. teh botol sosro
36. nasi goreng cili padi
37. butter cake
38. 7e slurpee
39. CB ice latte
40. Coffee cubes with milk
41. Stir fry carrot cake
42. Nasi Hassan (Kuah Campur, Ayam Goreng Peha, Ikan Bilis, Daging Cincang)

Okelah. GTG now, wish me luck k. will update selepas selamat bersalin InsyaAllah ;)

mak buyong melaram! sukaaa sangat my mekap! rm150 ja uols. TQ Zafiqha ;)

Friday, January 10, 2014

28 weeks!

whoa! cepat gila rasa. lagi 8-9 weeks ja nak bersalin

takuuuuuut. takut sebab kali ni check up dengan gynae lain which is Datuk Dr Abdul Aziz Yahya. no more with Prof Dato' Dr Hamid Arshat *sobs* so don't know what to expect but I hope everythg will be fine & semoga sempat bersalin kat hospital, InsyaAllah. what's new with this pregnancy?

:( kena jab insulin 3x a day due to gestional diabetes
akibat mengidam benda manis2 maka kenalah cucuk insulin. huhuhu :( esok baru nak start jab cos lupa mintak alcohol swab. zzzz!

preparation nak sambut baby baru almost 90% done. mommy's stuff pun almost done. gonna use set bersalin NR lagi this time.sebelum ni pun pakai tu jugak. really like their minyak herbanika,pil phytonatal & air akar   herbanika. confinement makcik pun dah booked. huhuuu takut betul makcik tu fully booked. hmm what else? next week ingat nak basuh baju2 baby 30 weeks nak pack hospital bag dah.

heee oklah gtg. nak tidokan the kids jap.

oh BTW, lupaaaa! lil abang aidan dah masuk new kindy. dah kena pakai uniform. tapi masyaAllah susahnyaaaaaaa nak suruh dia pakai uniform. macam2 nak kena pujuk. school before ni takda uniform tu yang liat sangat heeee :p

my lil caliph ;) OK. he still refuse to wear the 'kopiah'

Thursday, January 2, 2014

twenty fourteen

happy 2014 everyone!

tick tock tick tock

oh my! only 19 posts ja last year? :p hopefully dis year akan semakin rajin. heheh :p

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