Thursday, July 28, 2011

party planning

am gonna host a party soon. aidan's first birthday party to be exact. tak tahu la i'm over excited or what. but i can say that my preparation for the party is like almost 60% done! phewww. nak decide theme apa pon nak dekat seminggu ok apatah lagi nak pilih cake. sampai my hubby pon dah boring nak jawab my soalan soalan. kekekek. eh cake budak kecik sangat comel ok! sangat susah nak decide!!!!

I have to plan all this awal-awal coz birthday aidan nanti during the fasting month. mana ada orang buat birthday party bulan puasa kan. so we terpaksa decide to postpone it ke bulan syawal :)

now, tinggal part decor, goodies andddddd MR.CLOWN. which i tengah fikir. patut ke tak  i hire si clown nih. obviously there's gonna be a few kids around. but the kids pon ramai yang 2y.o belom bley main game lagi. the clown tu nanti bleh la buat balloon and magic show kan. tapi if takda mr.clown tu ok ke? the party tu nanti boring ke tak? hmmmm macam membazir la pulak amik si clown tu. rm300 for 2 hours. aiyoooo make up clown tu kot yang mahal.pakai MAC ke apa clown ni.huhuhu :o(
tapi if ada mr.clown, dia boleh buat bende-bende nih

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


woot!!woot!! aidan took his first few steps yesterday!!am soooo happy  coz  i'm able to see it first  and sempat record pulak tu. hehehe... at the same time sedih jugak coz aidan dah big boy. not a baby anymore. misti dah rasa macam budak besar la tu dah boleh jalan.

percubaan pertama. tak berjaya sebab sibok nak mengintai apatah. eeeee

percubaan kedua. heheheh okla tu 2-3 steps :)

dengar la tu. papa dia yang over excited. hahaha :D

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

perlu ke 1st birthday party?

photo from
aidan has reached so many milestones, that it is really hard to believe that not long ago he was a small, helpless newborn. now aidan dah start busy meng'explore & "mengemas rumah" kekeke

by the way, he's turning 1 soon and as his mum, i do wish to celebrate the first year of his life but at the same time i'm contemplating...perlu ke? is there any point? hhmmmm he will have absolutely no idea what is going on and obviously he won't remember any of it. err but then the other part of me really wants to do this. it gonna be a monumental event, at least in the eyes of me & my hubby.hmm tengok la camne kan? there's like sebulan lebih to plan! cewah macam aidan nak tunang pulak sampai sebulan nak planning.

well, it is actually more about the parents celebrating the fact that we have survived 12 months of parenthood! :p

my budak masam @ 10 month, 2weeks 5 days old

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

10 months, 2 weeks and 4 days old

ikotla you all nak cakap apa. as for me, i am so FREAKIN' excited bila i tengok aidan turun katil by himself. cepat cepat i amik my phone and record it. my hubby geram je coz aidan taknak tunjuk skill baru ni kat dia :p lucky mama dah amik video sebagai bukti.heheheh jangan jeles ye papa.

Monday, July 18, 2011

how was your weekend?

i selalu jelah lupa nak snap photo to upload kat blog ni. bila teringat tu either orang dah balik, makanan dah habis. tak pon mula-mula sampai je ingat. then entah ke mana terus lupa sebab lapar :p by the way, last friday  we had our family dinner at one seafood, bangsar. mamatok & cik su was here.but...geram betol. i lupa nak amik gambar our dinner tu. pfft

dah abis makan baru teringat nak amik gambar. hmmm was your weekend? mine was great. rasa macam cepat je la masa tu berlalu. on saturday, i went makan makan wif mamatok & cik su at empire. again, no pictures. memang totally lupa nak amik gambar. and on sunday, we all pegi barr al aliy's 1st birthday party at the meritz condo. lol sampai sesat-sesatlah kami cari. thankyou googlemaps.

dapat pun merasa apam comel ni. dah lama dok mencari
Birthday Boy
lupa nak cakap. aidan dah pandai turun katil sendiri. i pon terkejut semalam. tengah main-main atas katil tiba-tiba dia reverse turun. but still kena monitor la kan. tmrw i'll upload the video.

gambar kat atas ni  we all gi hangout kat delicious mv. after the birthday party, i gi rumah my parents, lepak sana japs then straight gi mv. lama tak hangout with baby sofea, & kak yaya. aiyooo my battery phone mmg dah out dah time tu. tak sempat nk snap photo aidan & kak yaya :) happy 2nd birthday raaniya zara!! ur sooooo cheeky. geram dah cakap banyak. i kenot imagine la nanti aidan cakap banyak camne. hehehhe

Friday, July 15, 2011

aidan's new toy.vrooom!!vrooom!!

ok actually this is not a new toy. it's new to aidan but it is actually my brother's punya. prolly dah 8 years kot tractor tu. but still nampak baru kan? berbaloi la abahtok dia beli dulu. beli untuk anak now cucu pon  dah boleh main.hehehheeee
aidan & abahtok. muke eksyen dapat toy baru :p
me: (again) aiiiiiidaaaaaaaan.looook.aidaaaaaan smile
aidan: pon..poooooon

Thursday, July 14, 2011

short trip to singapura

flying to singapore is such a waste of time. it takes almost an hour to drive from KL to KLIA/LCCT, then you have to be at the airport for almost an hour (probably more?) so that's like 2 hours. and the flight itself is almost 1 hour = 3 hours, then by the time you get to the city it's already 4 hours. and flying is quite expensive, no? we drove to singapore few weeks back & it only took us 3 hrs ++ dekat jela singapore ni so why waste on airplane tix? tol baru rm90 je pergi balik.huhu just my 2 cents tho.cheers

oh for your info, ur car need an autopass card ala ala touch n go card before entering singapore.if tak silap must top up at least $10 kot kat mana-mana singapore's 7-eleven. one car each. tak boleh sharing sharing ye macam touch n go card. hehe we all prefer guna second link highway (Tuas Checkpoint) to  enter singapore coz JB-Woodlands Causeway  tu quite congested  and kastam kat sana a bit strict so lecehla. you  all can read here for more info

here's some of our photos in singapore. tak sempat pon pegi USS. no time :'( tunggu aidan besar cket la

hrc singapore. fyi singapore ada 2 hrc, satu lagi kat USS tu
@ vivo city wif my relative, cuyah & her babies :)
10 month old aidan
penat sangat ke budanwudan? :p
The best rojak singapore @ Habib's Rojak (West Coast Drive, Ayer Rajah Food Centre)
Blueberry Longan. first time try. sedap jugak  :p
Pekena murtabak singapore@Arab Street before balik KL
Murtabak for 2 please :D

okay i menyesal gila tak beli set periuk WMF tu. seriously only $150 for 6 pots & pans. kat parkson kl rm800++ klu tak silap. huwaaaaaaa. menyesalnyaaaaa. hmmm nak buat camna takde rezeki :'(

Friday, July 8, 2011

banane taipei's 'birkin bag'

bag ni sekali pandang betul betul nampak macam bag Hermès birkin kan? but fyi, it's not bag Hermès tiruan okey. it's just a canvas tote bag with birkin bag printing. cantik kan? dah lama dah i dok eyeing bag ni. bag banane taipei ni mampu lah i beli. tapi nak beli semua kaler tu tak mampula. hahaha tak dapat ler nak jadi macam posh spice tu sumer kaler birkins dia ada :p by the way, bag ni if nak beli,kena preorder dulu. kena tunggu 3 bulan baru sampai. haihhh

nak order direct kat website pon boleh. tapi i kira-kira cam mahal lah pulak compare to pre-order bags. haih pening lah camni :( bencilaaah!

the colours are soo yummy! pffft

yellow pon cantik kan? but i want LITCHI RED!
queue nak beli bag!
before u call me crazy, there are more crazy people out there :p should i beli yang preorder & dapat bag ni in november or pay rm100 extra and receive the bag in 10 days time?

oh here's the website US banane taipei's official reseller 

Thursday, July 7, 2011

puding karamel nani rostam

assalamualaikum :)

hehe. last nite dengan bangganya i berjaya buat puding karamel for dessert. my first attempt ok. sekali buat dah menjadi siapa tak happy kan? recipe puding karamel ni actually banyak gila keluar if search kat google. pilih je yang mana berkenan di hati. as for me, i berkenan kat recipe nani rostam

puding karamel ni boleh dikatakan my top 10 favourite dessert. so bila tengok resipi ni macam senang je, terusla excited nak cuba buat sendiri :D

i takda loyang bulat besar tu :( tu yang guna cups cupcake je.whateverla cantik jugak kan guna cups tu. ceh! perasan :o yay! now i ada alasan nak beli loyang.kekekeke :p

ok sila jangan comparekan my puding karamel tu dengan orang yang dah 20 tahun buat puding karamel ye. but seriously puding karamel resipi nani rostam ni sedaaaaap sangat!i tak tipu.kenala cuba buat sendiri kalau nak tahu ;)

TQVM kak nani for the recipe. lepas ni boleh la i cuba your recipe yang lain pulak.

click HERE untuk resipi puding karamel nani rostam

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

color blocking?

ever since i saw my dearest tasya wore these colorblocks last april, i punyelah mencari mencari baju baju, seluar seluar & shoes berkaler kaler ni. kononnya nak pakai colorblock la jugak kan.

tasya from JKT. permisi ya tasya. kak long pinjam fotonya  ;p

now kat zara & poplook dah bersepah-sepah dah colorblock ni. macam-macam colour ada. ada duit beli je :p heheh hmmm btw i've bot my electric blue pants kat primark. wore once pegi ikano with red sleeveless & black blazer & black hijab . masa on the way to ikano tu i tiba-tiba rasa menyesal pakai. merayu rayu i kat dalam kereta tu suruh my hubby patah balik. guess what my hubby taknak patah balik. omg. seriously i malu gila.

well, sape yang kenal i obviously akan notice yang i ni  selalu je pakai black. black, black, black. i tak biase pakai baju  kaler kaler. dats why la i rasa awkward nak mati bila i pakai colorblock. but i really really really love these colorblock trend ni. hmm guess i will try it again soon, tengoklah camne kan.