Tuesday, November 29, 2011

15 months, 5 days old!

aidan's vocabulary is expanding.

so far these are the words that we can understand. hehe not that much but it's okay :-)

1. papa
2. mama
3. car
4. bus
5. cat
4. dog
5. cheese
6. where
7. this
8. what is this?
9. nish (finish)
10. fish
11. bird

Thursday, November 24, 2011

an apology

i am so frustated coz i couldn't get to meet my thai food guru ms amporn & hubby. i was hospitalised  when they were here :-( i feel so bad. so sorry.

i hope you enjoyed your holiday in malaysia & thailand :-)

oh ya! happy anniversary you two. May God make your life as sweet as possible and shower all his blessings for this happy couple XOXO

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

november oh november

”Allah tidak memberi kesusahan seseorang hamba melainkan apa yang terdaya olehnya.“ [Al-Baqarah: 286] 

1. hospitalised for 5 days due to viral fever

2. engorged for almost 2 weeks to dry up the milk

3. aidan batuk terok (almost a week)

4. rumah kena lightning. air con baru pasang seminggu meletop. and banyak suis tak bley pakai so the contractor kena datang hack dinding to repair the wiring. my house pon haywire la jadinya

5. disebabkan lightning juga, my washing machine pon rosak (wedding gift from mama)

6. nak repair washing machine tu rm1890 (if buy new one rm1700 je brand LG)

7. my phone's home screen button rosak, repair rm200

8. sakit tekak and mouth ulcer. sakit sangat sangat nak minum air pon tak da  selera

”Kadang-kadang Allah sembunyikan matahari dan berikan kita petir dan kilat, kita tercari-cari dimanakah matahari, rupa-rupanya Allah hadiahkan kita pelangi yang indah” InsyaAllah. Aminnnnn

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


syukur alhamdulillah. i'm getting better. dah discharge since last saturday. lega dapat dok kat rumah after 5days kena warded. nak jumpa aidan pon takbley :-(

i was admitted due to viral fever, liver infection & UTI.at first,the doctors kat ER tu ingat dengue coz my blood platlet asyik turun.semua symptom dengue ada.alhamdulillah, after buat blood test confirm bukan dengue.

so, after kena warded for 5 days, aidan now dah stop bf :-( he's cool.but mama dia ni yang tak cool coz sedih sangat.the milk is still there tapi tak bley nak bagi kat aidan.i makan ubat and dr tak encourage i bf aidan buat masa ni. i dah buat keputusan nak stop terus la bf. lagi pon i target to bf aidan sampai dia 1 tahun. so okayla. boleh i diet. huhu

i ingat senangla nak stop bf ni.tp the process to dry up the milk is soooooo sakit.sumpah sakit.the only way taknak bagi sakit is to express it. tapi if nak bagi susu tu kering i kena biarkan. tak bley express.i dah mintak ubat ngan my dr tapi dia advice suruh try naturally dulu. urgh.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

dekat tapi jauh

i miss my lil aidan like so freaking crazyyyyy!

this is my first time tak tido wif him. i miss kissing him, i miss playing with him, rindu sangat nak main hide and seek. rindu my bf session wif aidan. rindu nak main bubbles, rindu nak nyanyi lagu twinkle twinkle sama sama.huwaaaaaaaa *tears*

dear aidan,
i'm sorry that i had to be away for a while. i'm trying my very best to recover ASAP. don't be notty k sayang. jangan buat papa sakit kepala. nanti papa plak masuk hospital. huhu i love you forever & ever :)

mama dekat je ngan aidan, but u are not allowed to visit me. dr cakap it is a very bad idea to bring you to the hospital, segala jenis tok nenek bacteria ada. of course i want you to stay healthy :-)