Wednesday, August 29, 2012

now that i'm a mom of two

hi everyone!  finally i have the time to update my blog. huhu ni pun curi-curi update :p

my baby girl finally dah ada her birth cert yesterday. terpaksa pegi JPN 2 kali cos ada problem with her POB. beranak kat rumah tapi dr pegi isi SDMC.  so my hubs kenala pegi buat police report klu nak buat jugak POB alamat rumah. of cos lah nak buat POB tempat sebenar kan? nasib baik we all ada bukti i bersalin kat rumah :p  

anyways, my second birth was definitely an easy one. compare dengan the first one (a loooooooooong epidural vacuum birth). orang kata preggy no 2 senang la kan cos dah ada experience & tau what to expect la yadayada.but no no no. each birth and each baby are an entirely new experience (for me la) :) punyala i buat birth plan awal-awal based on previous experience tuptup lain pulak jadinya

airees irisa's birth story

august 18, 2012 / 29 ramadhan 1433H (saturday)
6.58 am (birth cert stated 7.15am cos masa the nurses amik detail kitorg agak-agak je, lepas i kuar hospital je i terus check cctv to confirm the time of birth & nak tengok balik kejadian epik tu ehehehe)

37 weeks day 5

4.30 am - bangun masak for sahur as usual everytime pegi toilet, i akan check whether da ada dat bloody show ke tak. still no show & no contraction watsoever

5.15 am - sakit perut.btw masa sahur tu i cakap kat my hubs dat nanti raya nanti takyah la gi jln jauh2 takot i terbersalin dalam kereta macam my friend.then my hubs cakap "awak due hujung bulan kan.paling cepat pon saya rasa lepas bday aidan" hmm okay. conversation tu tergantung cos i tak tahan nak gi toilet :p

5.40 am - sementara tunggu subuh, baring2 then sakit perut lg. pegi toilet lagi. still no bloody show. tp i rasa perut i mengeras. ingat braxton hicks je.

6.00 am - my hubs suggest pegi je hospital since dah brp kali i masok toilet. i ckp "it's okay. sakit perut biasa je.false alarm kot"

6.15 ish am - sakit perut lagi. dis time i da rasa somethg wrong. cepat2 i ckp oklah jomla gi hospital. my hubs baru nak kelam kabut pack his stuffs. huhu eh i pon my hospital bag tu i blum masukkan lagi toiletries, slippers, charger.

after da kemas2 (aidan still tido), mandi (sempat shampoo rambut ok! haha), sakit perut nak membuang lagi. dlm hati sakit perut salah makan ke apa ni. tp takpala pegi je la hospital. i kuar toilet tengok my hubs da masukkan bags dlm  kereta. then dia mandi. i double check my checklist in case ada benda tertinggal.

6.30 ish am - i pegi toilet lg before nak gerak.takot dalam kereta tiba2 nak gi toilet. huhu my hubs masa ni siapkan bag aidan, his susu & masukkan aidan dlm his car seat.and masa ni la my waterbag broke. masa i tgh membuang tu, tiba-tiba dengar bunyi "POP" (sowee, yuckies i kno). dlm hati i "hmmm ni mesti baru 4cm ni, sempat ni gi hospital" tapi masa ni mmg tiba2 rasa sakit perut sangat sangat.kalau boleh taknak bangun dari toilet bowl tu. then my hubs tanya lambat lagi ke. i cakap i ketuban da pecaaaaaaah. dia da start panik. bila i bangun tu darah dah menitik2. banyakkkkkkkkkkkk! lagi la kami panik. omg sumpah panik nak mati. my hubs cepat2 call my family (nk suruh tunggu kat hospital pantai) then cepat2 suruh i turun bawah(of cos with his help)

masa i nak masuk kereta tu, tiba-tiba i dapat rasa something macam kepala baby keluar. i da panik tahap gaban dah masa ni. takot jadi apa2 kat baby je. my hubs suruh i baring je kat atas rumput garden. tak sempatlah nak masuk balik dlm rumah panik2 camtu.atas rumput pon atas rumput lah. then my hubs check n mmg betul kepala baby dah nampak.okayyyyyyy now kami dua-dua tersangat sangat sangat panik. my neighbour pulak dua-dua xda kat rumah. jerit mintak tlg pon xda sapa2 dengar. i called my mum suruh tolong call ambulan.

6.50am - my hubby suruh push je. dia da ready. i think i sempat cakap "eh biar betul awak ni" bahahaha.anyway nak taknak i push je lah.2 kali push baby pon selamat keluar. then my hubs tepuk2 her bump & i boleh dengar baby nangis. masa tu i felt soooooooooooo relieved. walaupon i xdapat tgk muka baby lagi at least i could hear her voice. then i heard my hubs azan.  

i called my mum again cakap baby da kuar. then ada neighbour datang. tanya what happened. terkejut beruk la uncle tu datang-datang tengok baby dah keluar. dengan darah banyak nya. uncle tu tolong ambik towel & check aidan  dalam kereta. nasib baik dok senyap je. i pon call balik ambulans coz lambat gila k ambulans sampai. i called 999 and tanya mana ni ambulan. dah terberanak lama ambulan tak sampai2. boleh tak operator tu jawab sambil 'lenggang lenggok'(eh betol ke? tak tahu nak describe apa ni) geram i. then boleh pulak diorang taknak hantar i kat SDMC diorang insist nak hantar i kat PPUM. padahal sdmc dekat gila kot ngan my house. so i cakap takyahla hantar ambulan. i called sdmc suruh diorang hantar ambulans. useless je call 999 ni.

oh btw, misti u all tertanya-tanya what happened to the umbilical cord kan? huhuhu my hubby hold our baby with the cord still intact sampailah the ambulans came. the hospital dah pesan jangan buat apa-apa with the cord if tak tahu nak buat apa.

8ish am - ambulans pun sampai (my family dari bangsar sampai dulu ok! believe it or not), my hubs dah lenguh2 dok pegang baby. nak bergerak takot terbelit plak.

lepas paramedics tu potong tali pusat baru lah i dapat tengok my baby :) uri terpaksa keluarkan kat sdmc cos i dah taklarat nak push :(

so there you go. airees irisa's birth story. still couldn't believe it i bersalin dekat rumah with no epidural, no gas or whatsoever. kat garden plak tu. and my dearest husband yang jadi pak bidan. i am sooooo proud of you dr.ashril. nasib baik my doktor ni tak pengsan tengok darah :p

syukur alhamdulillah semuanya selamat :-)

gambar bukti bersalin kat rumah. tunjuk kat JPN :p
ambulans yang slow pantas dan cekap
our lil girl airees irisa
my dr. ashril :p
sleepy baby

Friday, August 24, 2012

lil abang

dearest Mohamad Aidan Ilhan, I can't believe you are 2 already! soon you will have many things in life to worry about. till that happens, sit back & enjoy this special day as a toddler while you can. HAPPY BIRTHDAY sayang 

sorry aidan cos your 2nd birthday ni mama tak dapat nak buat pape. huhuhu your lil sister decided to come out earlier than expected.

betul lah orang kata second baby memang awal. 36 weeks pregnancy tu you have to prepare EVERYTHING!!!!!! luckily sempat pack my hospital bag if not tak tahu lah camne. i terbersalin our lil girl kat garden rumah okay!! believe it or not?? and my husband jadi my gynae. OMG sampai sekarang i takley nak caya. will blog about that later cos jap lagi baby and abang bangun so i kena mandi cepat-cepat. 

by the way, Salam Aidilfitri.Wishing you and your loved ones a blessed Eid Mubarak!Selamat Hari Raya, Maaf Zahir Batin

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

full term!

hello august!

THIS IS IT! this is is zhe month! our 4th anniversary, aidan's 2nd birthday, andddddddd baby #2 is coming anytime now. prolly next week? tak pun baby raya? or sama birthdate wif aidan? or merdeka baby? whenever it is i dah kena bersiap-sedia now. i've to get mentally prepared too. the pain, baby blues, baby colic, engorge boobies, sore nipples, sleepless nites, every 3 hours milky session, severe constipation yadayadayada..arghhhhhh 44 days of pantang which i really really really hate!

tapiiiiiiiiii at the same time tak sabarnya nak jumpa baby #2. 3rd trimester is knackering! penatnyaaa ya ampun.toksah cakaplah. jalan sikit pon dah breathless inikan plak kena main kejar-kejar ngan aidan. backache pon memang dah jadi BFF sangat dah. dizziness,headaches and braxton hicks pon my BFF jugak sekarang. nasib baik next week dah last week i gi ofis. tak larat dah nak drive sebenarnya. men memang takkan faham what we're going through ni. sabar je lah. diorang takkan faham how penat is our "penat". diorang ingat penat macam lari marathon kot bila dapat tidur tu penat tu terus hilang. arggh stress ok. sometimes bila i komplen kat my hubby then dia cakap "biasalaaa, mengandung". hmmmm maybe dia pun dah tak tahu nak cakap apa dah kot. hahaha

anyways, alhamdulillah baby's hospital bag i dah pack. cuma my hospital bag je la belum ready. i can't decide baju apa nak pakai nanti kat hospital and baju nak balik rumah nanti (hahaha boleh tak?). oklah got to go now. wish me luck k. doakan i selamat bersalin. eheheheh hopefully dis is not my last post before i pop :p