Monday, October 22, 2012

quickie update - needle & stitches

lama gila tak update blog.

been busy with few things. heheh ingat dah tak gi ofis ada la masa nak update blog selalu but NOOO. time airees tido ja la i ada masa nak buat keje i. 

well, i guess some of u dah tahu about 'Needle & Stitches'. it's not officially launch yet. InsyaAllah next week kot launch. still ada few things tak settle lagi. tapi there's few stuffs kitorang dah upload kat instagram and facebook page. ehehhe tak sabar-sabar :p yang mana dah sold out tu InsyaAllah we gonna restock it again once our website dah ready :-)

our facebook page 'Needle & Stitches' and Instagram 'needlenstitches'. If suka sila la like & follow k :-)

website tu bila dah 100% ready nanti i bagitau address.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


yuhuuuuuu!!!i dah habis pantang y'all. finally it's over. phewwwwww lama sungguh rasa 44 hari tu. i don't mind bab bab kena pantang makan tu but pantang berkurung tu sungguh menyiksakan :p eheheh

so hari ke 45 tu, i dah keluar dah. i pegi ambik mykid and buat passport airees. passport siap within one hour ja sekarang. sungguh efisyen imigresen malaysia. good job! then i bawak airees pegi circum kat prof dato' dr hamid arshat. aidan dulu pun circum ngan dr hamid. tp baby girl takda la sampai demam. kejap ja sakitnya. even for baby boy pon within 4 days tu the ring tu dah tanggal and luka pun da sembuh :) pap smear ja i tak buat lagi. phobia lagi plis episiotomy tu :p tunggu lah 3 bulan lagi ke.

oh ya! i'm officially a stay at home mom (SAHM) now :D tercapai juga cita-cita nak jadi sahm. jangan jeles ya working moms. i dah takda monday & friday blues laaa sekarang. ehehhe. so yea...tapi am not gonna be that stay at home mom yang dok relax-relax ja. we're (me & my partner) working on a lil project now. tapi takleh la announce sekarang. tunggu everything dah settle. then we will annouce it kay? eheheh so excitedddddd!! tunggu ya ;-)

eh oklah. got to go now. i nak mandikan airees

airees irisa - hari ke 45
airees's first passport - eheheh nak gi mana ya? :)
our first family dinner kat luar. ok i belum kurus, harap maklum