Saturday, September 13, 2014


Arghhhhh..what happened to this blog????? tah bila nak update birth story Aimar T_____T

Can't believe I'm 31! #hellowrinkles 

This lil fella grow up wayyyy too fast! 6 month & gonna start crawling SOON! #aimarilyasz

Cepat betul masa berlalu. Still couldn't believe it these 3 babies are mine. MINE? Syukur Alhamdulillah.Thank you Allah #blessed

The video was taken just recently. Now Mohamad Aidan Ilhan dah 4yo & Airees Irisa 2yo. Kejap BFF kejap berperang. heee. ohhh BTW hari ni I baru terhegeh-hegeh nak potty train aidan. 4 yo baru nak potty train. berapa kali terbabas huhuuhu. I hope Aidan boleh diaperless by next week. I hope. PRAY HARD!.

My 4yo Aidan. Makan memilih. His current fav carbonara & telur dadar 
My 2 yo Mek Airees. Panjat memanjat memang hebat! #simanjapapa
#notetoself: pleaseeeee update aimar birth story! simpan draft buat pekasam buat apa!