anyways, aimar is turning 1y6mth soon, airees dah 3yo yesterday and aidan is turning 5yo next week!
they grow super fast!
now aidan dah boleh baca Peter & Jane Book 2a (must practice everynight klu tak confirm kelaut!). we suppose to register aidan kat primary school dah dis year but i'm still in denial! (sedihnya anak dah besar) dah shortlist few school so yeah tunggu le hubs lah yang pilih.
As for airees pulak hari ni first time airees diaperless. so far up til now (almost 5pm) no accidents yet. baguskan?! her vocab dah banyak. mcm mak nenek! sikit sikit "dowan friend mama". so yeah i decide to potty train her early. jimat diapers! heee
aimar pulak. he can say these few words dah
ma ma
pa pa
tee geee (aunty eggie)
no no
uk uk (poo poo)
peppa pig
quite banyak kan? jalan tu takyah cakap la.dah berlari memanjat lil hero sangat! gigi pun dah ada 8! Alhamdulillah feel soo good to update this blog with loadsa happy news! til then. semoga rajin la update blog ni lagi :D