Sunday, January 1, 2017


Happy new year! 🎆 

How was your 2016? (Ada lagi ke yg baca blog ni haha ) Nway, It's great to reflect on the positive things that happened during the previous year and 2016 wasn't all bad!
As always setiap kali new year semangat baru, azam baru. 

some of my wish for 20.17:
  • nak spend less time on the iphone. game memang takde masa la nak main. so no games apps on my iphone at all. youtube apps da delete cos taknak the kids busy dgn yg ada ig n fb. fb pun dah jarang bukak accept for biz purposes.
  • nak kurangkan makan dekat luar. paed airees n ustazah dah byk kali pesan...hehe degil betul. dah jumpa pasar borong nearby school aidan so lagi la semangat nak masak. tapi nak request off day la jugak on weekends 🙈 actually can save a lot oso makan kat rumah..kena berjimat cermat since we're WAHP (working at home parents) 
  • seperti biasa azam seperti tahun2 sebelum ni nak dptkan prepregnancy weight yg dah almost 3 tahun lepas pregnant tapi still berat macam pregnant 4 bulan. sighh (blame the implanon plis, hormon jadi tak betul 😤)
  • spend more on things that i NEED not things that i WANT! mesti orang yg baca ni tertanya2 kenapa nak berubah ke arah kedekut FYI bukan kedekut k cuma bils semakin bertambah nak kena byr. Aidan dah masuk year 1..skool airees tu pun fees dah increase. nanti aimar plak nak kena hantar skool. Kumon lagi. hubs suruh berhenti je kumon if rasa xleh nak bayar fees tu but sayangla cos aidan dah boleh buat addition tak guna jari-jari. n airees dah boleh count til 100. masak both masuk dulu boleh kira til 10 je. so much improvement. and we all still nak continue mengaji dengan ustazah. dah 1 year dah mengaji tp baru surah Ali Imran. slow tapi suka sbb ustazah ajar tajwid jugak. tajwid tu yg kelaut china selatan 😂
Ok enuff of all these wishes..let me share u my kids fav dessert..puding roti super simple heheh confirm senang dan sedap. kalau buat 2 hari je bertahan. macam piranha diorang ni heheh


6 slices old bread 
1 cup fresh milk*
250ml (1 can) nestle original cream*
1/2 cup sugar / brown sugar*
3 eggs*
1 teaspoon vanilla extract*
few dash of cinnamon powder
2 tablespoon melted butter (i use brand SCS)
1 pcs banana 

  1. Preheat oven to 180 degrees C.
  2. Lightly grease a large baking dish
  3. Cut the slices of bread into small squares (toast for 5 mins-refer pic below)  
  4. In a large mixing bowl add * and beat gradually.
  5. Pour mixture over the bread. Soak for 10mins.
  6. Sprinkle raisins, cinnamon and some bananas.
  7. Place in oven and cook for 60 - 90 minutes (check every now and again).  

1 tin evaporated milk
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
5 tbs brown sugar

  1. 1.  Cook, whisking often, until the sauce comes to a full boil, about 3 minutes. If using vanilla extract, stir it in now. Strain through a wire sieve into a bowl. Serve warm.

Friday, April 1, 2016


woohoo first post in 2016. janji janji nak update but tak update2 jugak. aimar pun dah 2 tahun dah last 12/3

ni nak wish happy new year pun dah terlajak basi. lol

Alhamdulillah I had a good start this year. I da set my goals betul2 dis year. turning 33 baru nak sedar diri. sebelum ni just pakai redah je la asalkan bahagia :p

few things that i've done this year, my personal achievement:

• me & le hubs sama2 belajar mengaji balik. since last yr memang dah niat & dok cari ustaz/ustazah boleh dtg rumah ajar whole family.Alhamdullilah akhirnya jumpe juga.dapatla kita belajar ngaji every monday & thurday - 4 Jan

• hantar aidan kumon class

• berjaya hike @ (my first hike) tabur east 3rd Jan. simply breathtaking walaupun sakit-sakit badan

• after tabur east macam addicted plak sooo we went bukit gasing whenever we're free during the weekend

• berjaya hike my first gunung @ gunung angsi @ feb with le hubs. first time hike with hubby. nasib baik le hubs ni mmg dah kaki hiking. barula kita faham kenapa dia addicted g hiking. best sgt rupanya. stress free :)

• beli treadmill konon2 if takde masa nk exercise boleh je exercise kat rumah (nasib beli yang murah je. tak best rupanya jalan atas treadmill hahaha)

• beli jawbone konon2 to monitor my calories & my daily steps. but yeahh mmg membantu & i never regret it. so worth it. lagi2 bila tengok sekali hiking boleh burn almost 1k calories 

• join program imkk dr azizan osman - early march

• join mmm super supreme dr azizan - end of march & belum habis lagi coaching session. so takleh la nak bagi lagi testimonial :p

tu jela buat masa ni. well ada la lagi tapi i opt not to put it here :) no. i'm not pregnant 😂 sibuk tanya bila nk tambah anak bila tgk aimar dah 2yo. crazy ke? 3 ni pun hidup dah huru hara 😂😂😂😂

i sebenarnya nak citer how dr.azizan changed my perception completely. started with imkk. org ingat pegi join programs dr azizan ni semata-mata utk boost bisnes. i pun ingat camtu mula2 but's not only for business purposes especially imkk. anyone can join. 

imkk is good for your inner self. susah la nk explain how. kita rasa macam before ni kita dah kenal diri kita tapi sebenarnya tak.and bila dah join imkk kita akan lebih appreciate siapa kita, siapa org2 sekeliling. sentiasa mensyukuri nikmat Allah. lebih kurang la camtu...orang yang rasa dia cukup bagus tu takyahla masuk.just stay where you are ok? orang yg pegi programs dr azizan tu mostly bukan calang2 orang. So yeah sila nilaikan sendiri. Choose nak upgrade your life atau nak berada dia tempat yg sama forever :)


To be continued :p

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

oh myyy!

oh dear! tak menyempat nak update blog since ada aimar. managing 3 kids & part time online biz without helper mmg mencabar. tapi if ada helper pun sama jugak mencabar! It's like me having another baby. nak kena monitor makan, minum & kerja hahaha

anyways, aimar is turning 1y6mth soon, airees dah 3yo yesterday and aidan is turning 5yo next week!

they grow super fast!

now aidan dah boleh baca Peter & Jane Book 2a (must practice everynight klu tak confirm kelaut!). we suppose to register aidan kat primary school dah dis year but i'm still in denial! (sedihnya anak dah besar) dah shortlist few school so yeah tunggu le hubs lah yang pilih.

As for airees pulak hari ni first time airees diaperless. so far up til now (almost 5pm) no accidents yet. baguskan?! her vocab dah banyak. mcm mak nenek! sikit sikit "dowan friend mama". so yeah i decide to potty train her early. jimat diapers! heee

aimar pulak. he can say these few words dah
ma ma
pa pa
tee geee (aunty eggie)
no no
uk uk (poo poo)
peppa pig 

quite banyak kan? jalan tu takyah cakap la.dah berlari memanjat lil hero sangat! gigi pun dah ada 8! Alhamdulillah feel soo good to update this blog with loadsa happy news! til then. semoga rajin la update blog ni lagi :D

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

carbonara ala pizza uno recipe

heee hari ni extra rajin pulak nak update blog :p

actually i just wanna share this recipe. i finally got it! tastewise i think 80% laaa lebih kurang ngan pizza uno. sapa penah makan pizza uno ja tahu rasa dia mcm mana. jangan compare pulak ngan restoran kat german ke italy ke k? oooopss

easy peasy kacang pis ja resipi dia. secret ingredient rupanya the CREAM tu ja. it's NESTLE ORIGINAL CREAM! i bot it kat presto citta mall & kat herbs & food pun ada :) u may use other brand tapiiiiiiii i can't guarantee your carbonara tu rasa sama tak ngan my carbonara :p

Anyway, here's the recipe. selamat mencuba...hee


cheeky girl

my cheeky lil mek airees. geram tengok dia ni. dengan mata bulatnya heee

she's daddy lil girl (dahla muka clone papa dia) 

kuat merajuk. 

marah sikit ja dah keluar air mata. 

eee geram!