Wednesday, August 24, 2011

aidan turns 1

happy birthday to you..
happy birthday to you...
happy birthday to mohamad aidan ilhan..
happy birthday to youuuuuuu..

hey big guy….. you’re one year older than last year now…happy first birthday my darling angel! how time flies, from the cute and tiny infant now you are toddler.

may you grow healthily, be a good and charming boy ok. be a good son for us coz we love so muchhhhhhh and be a good servant for HIM. insyallah

thank you Allah for blessing us with this beautiful boy, who keep stealing our heart in every possible way :)

Thursday, August 18, 2011

dilemma baju raya

lagi 2 minggu da nak raya kan? but i baru je ada 1 baju raya.huhuhu :( dahla last year beraya dalam pantang.  macam tak beraya pon lah. pakai kain batik ngan tshirt je. hmmmm.

memangla plan nak beli ready made punya pon coz takde masa nak gi beli kain kat jalan TAR tu. tapi bila gi tengok kat subang parade aritu, satu baju kurung tu ada 10 duplicate. macam soooo turn off nak beli. malu la kan if pakai baju tu then gi beraya rumah orang ke tengok-tengok orang tu pakai baju sama. hehehee :p so yeahh. saya di dalam dilemma.  before kawen dulu takyah pening2 nk ada budget  untuk baju raya coz pilih je yang mana berkenan then mama bayarkan.kekeke. tapi dah kawen ni takkan nk suruh mama belikan lagi :'( baju raya tak murah ok. yg berkenan semua rm400++ klu 3 pasang? *pengsan*

Thursday, August 11, 2011

nutella butterscotch bread pudding with choc chips

this is another new recipe that i've just tried. hari ahad tu i dok google google recipes then i teringat my friend penah post gambar of her nutella bread pudding kat fb. i mintak the recipe from her tp dia just bagitau i roughly the ingredients, no sukatan watsoever. heheheh untuk orang baru belajar macam i ni, confirmla tak menjadi if guna recipe tanpa sukatan :p

btw, recipe ni i google then i combinekan dengan resipi puding roti my mum. it was delicious!tak ley bla la puji diri sendiri kan seriously, my hubby who doesn't have quite the sweet tooth like me pon suka.
Unsalted butter, for baking dish
6 slices of butterscotch bread
choc chips
2 cups fresh milk or you can also use chocolate milk
3 eggs
5 tbs sugar
1 tsp vanilla essence

Steps :-)
  1. Preheat oven to 170C
  2. Spread the Nutella on all your bread slices, then put 2 slices together to make 3 sandwiches. Cut each sandwich into cubes and toss them into the baking dish together with some choc chips
  3. Place milk in a saucepan and stir gently over medium heat. 
  4. In a bowl, whisk the eggs, sugar and vanilla essence then whisk in the heated milk.
  5. Pour the mixture evenly over the bread cubes in the baking dish, pressing down with the back of a spoon and make sure that all the bread gets submerged and starts soaking in the custard.
  6. Soak for 15 minutes and then put the baking dish in the oven. Bake until the filling is set and the top is crusted, about 25 minutes. Cool slightly. Serve warm with vanilla custard sauce or vanilla ice cream :p

nutella butterscotch bread pudding with choc chips & vanilla custard sauce

Monday, August 8, 2011

happy anniversary hubby!

yes! today is our wedding anniversary! unbelievable dah 3 years! hubby is my soul mate, my love, my hero! 

our wedding date 080808. hehehe cantik kan nombor? i still remember that i had to book tok kadi tu awal-awal to make sure he is free on that night. my friends pon punyela ramai kawen the same date! :p and tok kadi tu pon lepas je akad kena rush gi wedding tempat lain pulak. geez kesian tok kadi tak sempat pon makan.

not only tok kadi kay, MUA, caterings, khemah, pelamin, henna,cameramen, videoman, cake and also FLOWERS i had to booked awal-awal. juz imagine my craziness. sampai ke bunga kena book  awal2 kat petaling street tu *phewww*  i am soooo happy that it's over dengan perfect! seriously. everything, erm yes, EVERYTHING is pecfecto! my mama, abah, aunty pat(my wedding planner) is DA' BOMB! without them, i don't think the wedding will be perfect.

so 3 years ago...



my hantaran, deco & wedding planning were done by aunty pat  (kebetulan aunty pat yang buatkan hantaran for sazzy falak & engku emran)



done by nabila jamel (dia yang buatkan wedding henna for ning baizura & also serina chef wan)

CAKE HANTARAN (yes! i know it's soooo cantik!)

last but not least...the bride & groom


p/s: to those yang interested nak suruh aunty pat buatkan hantaran or nabila buatkan henna, u can email me at ilianeeazman[at] for their contact no.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

yahoo! sotong kunyit ku menjadi

title memang takley bla kan. heheh so funny that bulan puasa ni la time i nak google and try resipi "baru". bulan puasa my hubby tak suka sangat makan kat luar. nak taknak kena la masak. i selalu google pastu tengok gambar tu menarik ke tak. and i akan baca reviews and comments. tak payah beli buku recipe mahal-mahal tapi ade jugak terbeli beberapa buku resipi :p 

believe it or not! i tak pernah masak pon sotong kunyit. ish ish..malu je kan? ingat ke susah sangat. kekeke rupa-rupanya easy peasy lemon squeezy! i dapat resipi from blog che mat gebu :D

my sotong goreng kunyit
3 ekor sotong saiz sederhana, cuci bersih potong bulat atau ikut suka
6 tangkai kacang panjang, kerat2 lebih kurang 2 inci setiap satu (i guna kacang buncis)
5 biji cili padi merah, diketuk
2 camca besar sos ikan
1/2 camca teh serbuk kunyit
1 biji bawang besar, hiris
3 ulas bawang putih, dititik
1 camca besar sos tiram
Sedikit garam dan gula (i tak tarok garam/gula coz dah tarok sos ikan & sos tiram)
Hirisan daun sup sebagai hiasan (takde daun sup, ganti ngan tomato hiris bulat)

  1. Sotong ditoskan kering2, gaul dengan serbuk kunyit dan sedikit garam. Panaskan minyak dalam kuali tumis bawang besar dan bawang putih hingga harum, masukkan cili padi dan sos tiram, kacau rata.
  2. Tambah sotong dan juga kacang panjang tadi. Masukkan sos ikan, kacau rata dan masak hingga kacang lembut tapi masih rangup. Rasa dan jika perlu letak sedikit gula dan garam. Masak sekejap dan angkat. Tabur dengan hirisan daun sup sebelum dihidangkan.

emmmm.hari ni nak masak apa pulak ye?

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


salam ramadhan. today is the third day of ramadhan, masih belum terlambat lagi nak wish selamat berpuasa kepada semua muslimin muslimat & di bulan mulia ni selamat beribadah juge ya. kurangkan bergosip please. rugi je pahala puasa tu ;p

this year's ramadhan agak mencabar cket for me coz i still fully bf my lil aidan and i have ZERO frozen ebms. yes, ZERO! so nak taknak i cannot skip my pumping session. cannot malas-malas (will blog about breastfeeding & fasting later) 

but the best part of this year's ramadhan is ..... ada budak kecik ni teman kami bersahur. papa & mama bersahur, dia pon nak bersahur jugak, habis 3 keping biskut pulak tu. heeee

dahler bangun sahur, nak main tolak kereta la pulak
menu sahur #003 - nasi goreng tomyam
cooked nasi goreng tom yam for sahur. ada nasi lebih. tak elok membazir. resipinya i ambik kat myresipi. sedappp! i dah buat banyak kali.

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